CTM200 Command Reference (Alphabetical)
CTM-200 Categorical Command Reference
- accel altvalidmax: set maximum allowable change in altitude before GPS module is reset
- accel cond: set acceleration trigger condition
- accel gpscoef: set minimum GPS vs accelerometer or OBD speed based acceleration required
- accel gpsobddiff: set maximum allowable difference between GPS and OBD speed to prevent accel gpsmaxspeed and accel validmax checks
- accel history: enable/disable historical GPS&OBD report used for acceleration calculation
- accel historydelay: set delay between each historical GPS&OBD report
- accel historynum: set number of historical GPS&OBD report to generate
- accel maxgpsspeed: set maximum allowable GPS speed before GPS module is reset
- accel report: set acceleration report
- accel rollcond: set rollover trigger condition
- accel rollrep: set rollover report
- accel sensor: set sensor used for triggering longitudinal acceleration
- accel validmax: set maximum allowable GPS acceleration before GPS module is reset
- agpspde :configure Assisted GPS (A-GPS) using cellular device location based features
- apn :set carrier access-point name
- authport :set the port number for a Radius authentication server
- authsecret :set the shared secret for a Radius authentication server
- authserver :set the IP address for a Radius authentication server
- autoconnect :auto network connection
- autopevent :turns on $PEVENT message reporting of trigger/event description
- aux ack :sets the ack character sequence for mode 24
- aux authtype :sets the authentication mechanism used with auxiliary device
- aux checksum :sets the value used for checksum calculation
- aux cond :sets the triggering conditions for mode 23/24
- aux conf :sets the reporting configuration for mode 23/24
- aux datatype :sets the data type of the auxiliary device payload
- aux dev :sets the auxiliary device name for mode 23/24 (same as aux polldev)
- aux lead :sets the leading characters for mode 24
- aux leadlen :sets the number of leading characters for mode 24
- aux lead2 :sets the secondary set of leading characters for mode 24
- aux lead2len :sets the number of characters in the secondary set for mode 24
- aux leadmode :sets the leading characters matching criteria for mode 24
- aux leadterm :set to use leading or terminating characters or both for mode 24
- aux len :sets the payload length for mode 23/24 (same as aux pollen)
- aux mode :sets the specific processing method for mode 24
- aux pollnow :tells CTM to poll the auxiliary device for mode 23
- aux pollstr :sets the polling string for mode 23
- aux polltim :sets the polling timeout for mode 23
- aux repmode :sets whether to append payload to ASCII (msg 114) or binary (msg 112) header
- aux report :sets the reports to be used for mode 22-24
- aux rmleadterm :set to remove leading or terminating characters or both for mode 24
- aux term :sets the termination characters for mode 22/24
- aux termlen :sets the number of termination characters for mode 22/24
- aux timeoutsend :sets whether data is sent out when serial input times out for mode 22/24
- bt console :enable/disable Bluetooth console mode
- bt enable :enable/disable all Bluetooth functions
- bt ble :enable/disable scanning Bluetooth Low Energy
- bt blemax :set the maximum number of BLE devices being tracked
- bt blestale :sets when each BLE data is considered stale and to be removed
- bt ip :set the local IP for Bluetooth NAP
- bt name :set the local Bluetooth device name
- bt pin :set the local Bluetooth device password
- bt nap :enable/disable Bluetooth NAP mode
- bt obd :enable/disable Bluetooth OBD mode
- bt remname :set the remote Bluetooth device name
- bt rempin :set the remote Bluetooth device password
- can apply :set STM with values set in cmd engparam and can prot
- can baud :set CAN baud rate
- can enghours :set source of engine hour data
- can engparam :set which parameters are to be queried/reported
- can errmax :set number of sessions with CAN errors when CAN is no longer attempted
- can odometer :set source of odometer data
- can psthruid :set CAN header/ID to look for by canpsthru ps
- can psthrumin :set minimum time for each CAN header/ID passed by canpsthru ps
- can prot :enable/disable internal CAN and sets the protocol
- can qryrate :set the maximum OBD querying rate
- can senddiag :set how often diagnostic session is requested
- can showdata :shows a list of unique received CAN data
- can std :set CAN header type
- can subsys :set CAN subsystems to use
- can usbprot :set the USB CAN protocol
- can vtype :set the specific vehicle to be used with CTM
- clientmac :set client mac address for modem mode with DHCP
- confdrop :drop a backup configuration onto a CTM-200
- confupgrade :configures the device for automatic configuration capability
- ctm15x :command for configuration of protected values
- data :query count of data transmitted/received over wireless link
- datacond :wireless link total data count trigger condition
- datareport :set the link data report(s)
- emailsrv :set email server
- enghours :calculate engine hours
- enghrmode :used to configure enghours command
- esn :query the serial number (ESN/IMEI) of the wireless device
- ethernet :enable or disable ethernet services
- gopad :enable either 1 or 2 instances of PAD
- gpsaccel :GPS report trigger for hard acceleration and deceleration events
- gpsaddmes :add GPS messages to a report
- gpscache :enable using cached GPS position
- gpscond :GPS report trigger conditions
- gpsdata :display status of GPS input devices
- gpsdelmes :delete GPS message
- gpsdgps :enable DGPS mode and SBAS
- gpsdop :set GPS DOP filtering
- gpsemail :GPS email address
- gpsgga :GPS GGA message
- gpsinput :GPS input device, internal on board GPS module, external GPS device or Cellular based A-GPS
- gpslocip :GPS local IP address/domain name
- gpslocport :GPS local port
- gpsmes :GPS messages
- gpsparam :GPS port configuration and priority
- gpspos :set fixed GPS position
- gpsremip :GPS remote IP address/domain name
- gpsremport :GPS remote port
- gpsrep :GPS reporting
- gpsrmc :GPS RMC message
- gpssms :set destination of GPS SMS report
- gpstime :set priority of valid GPS as system time synchronization source
- igncond :ignition report trigger conditions
- ignreport :set ignition trigger report
- lan8021x :set 802.1x LAN authentication
- lanbridge :Bridge LAN ethernet interfaces
- landhcp :LAN DHCP server settings
- lanfriends :control ethernet access control using MAC addresses.
- langw :LAN Gateway IP address
- lanip :IP address of device on LAN
- lanmtu :MTU of LAN interface
- lannat :Enable SNAT on LAN interface
- lannetmask :Netmask of device on LAN
- lanproto :Set interface prototype to static or dhcp
- lanrepip :LAN IP address for local reporting
- lanwd :Enable/disable LAN Watchdog
- mbusm add :add MODBUS slave in MODBUS master mode
- mbusm cond :sets reporting conditions for MODBUS master mode
- mbusm data :shows current MODBUS slave register values for MODBUS master mode
- mbusm del :remove MODBUS slave in MODBUS master mode
- mbusm exccond :sets condition to trigger MODBUS exception reports for MODBUS master mode
- mbusm excreport :sets reports to be used for MODBUS exception triggered reports
- mbusm poll :sets polling MODBUS slaves while in MODBUS master mode
- mbusm report :sets reports to be used for MODBUS master triggered reports
- modbusadd :add a MODBUS TCP slave, serial slave or self slave, query MODBUS slave gateway list
- modbusctm130 :enable backward compatibility with CTM-13X MODBUS messages over-the-air
- modbusdel :delete MODBUS entry
- modbusgw :manual MODBUS gateway initiation
- modbusidmap :set up MODBUS ID to device IP:port map
- modbusmode :sets the MODBUS gateway mode
- modbusport :sets the MODBUS port number
- modbussecure :secure MODBUS for use with SSH tunneling
- net dnssource :sets permitted sources from which to accept DNS server IP addresses
- net staticdns :define static DNS server IP addresses
- netwd :network watchdog
- networktime :set priority of cellular network time as system time synchronization source.
- nmeamode :set NMEA 0183 version for GPGLL and GPRMC sentences
- ntpserver :set URL or IP of NTP server for system time synchronization
- ntptime :set priority of NTP client as system time synchronization source
- obdcond :OBD report trigger conditions
- obddata :display data obtained from OBDII transmitter
- obdlistload :load parameter list used by pobdx
- obdreport :set report for OBD trigger
- obdsp :sets protocol used by OBDII transmitter
- odometer :GPS odometer
- orientation :set device mounting orientation for use with accelerometer sensor
- otasp :Over-The-Air Service Provisioning
- pin :set 4-digit SIM card PIN code for cell devices
- ping :pings a specific IP address
- pobda-pobdh :configure OBDII reports
- port :serial port settings
- ppp :local Point to Point Protocol connection
- pswd :sets password used for wireless network access via simple IP
- pulse coef :set the pulse rate coefficient multiplier
- pulse edge :set whether pulse counting uses edge detection or voltage threshold
- pulse input :set voltage threshold for pulse counting
- pulse period :set whether pulse rate is to be calculated
- pulse pwm :enable/disable PWM detection
- ratesel :Rate select for Sierra Wireless CDMA/EVDO data devices/modules only
- ratetmr :Rate Timer, Sierra Wireless CDMA/EVDO only ?
- repaddmes :add messages to a report configuration, display report configuration messages
- repdelmes :delete messages from a report configuration
- repemail :configure report email address
- repfiledelivery :configure delivery parameters for file-based reporting
- repfiledir :configure main folder for file-based reporting
- repfilename :configure filename for file-based reporting
- repfileout :configure outbox folder for file-based reporting
- repfilesize :configure maximum file size for file-based reporting
- repfiletimestamp :configure timestamp added to data files for file-based reporting
- repfilezip :configure compression of data files for file-based reporting
- replocip :configure report local IP address/domain name
- replocport :configure report local port
- reportscripts :configure custom scripts to be triggered when reports are generated
- repremip :configure report remote IP address/domain name
- repremport :configure report remote port
- repsms :configure report SMS address
- reptype :configure local and remote report types, store-and-forward
- rfstats :Displays various RF statistics
- rfswitch :enable/disable RF switch
- rmtd :reverse telnet connection
- rssi :RF signal strength
- saltreport :set salt-spreader report
- sat enable :set satellite mode
- sat force :force satellite to be enabled in dynamic mode when Pendant PANIC messages are sent
- sat flush :clears outbound satellite messages
- sat ip :set the remote server IP to send received sat msgs that are not $cmd msgs to
- sat mt :minimum time between identical report numbers when using satellite
- sat port :set the remove server port to send received sat msgs that are not $cmd msgs to
- sat pwr :enable/disable satellite when satellite is in dynamic mode
- sat reset :clears the satellite tx/rx info
- sat stats :show satellite status
- satbackup :switch to backup satellite modem
- save :saves configuration
- sendreport :generates and sends a "One-Shot" report upon execution of the command
- showconfig :displays current configuration settings
- showstate :displays device state
- sms enable :SMS configuration access
- sms fwdreport :configure forwarding of incoming SMS messages
- sms friends :set friends list for SMS commands
- snfdelay :store and Forward delay period before SNF starts
- snfflush :store and Forward Flush
- snflog :store and Forward log
- snfonsd :configure SNF to use SD card storage
- spc :service provisioning code
- speedth :speed threshold for enabling RF module of the device
- sshkey :generate a ssh key
- staticroute :configure static routes for packet routing
- stm upgrade :upgrades STM/Mini Micro FW
- tcpframing :configure framing of report TCP packets
- tcppersist :set persistent TCP report connections
- timesync :set period for system time synchronization
- timezone :query/set system timezone
- univwd :configure universal watchdog
- univwdtimer :set universal watchdog timer interval
- upgradefw :upgrade firmware image
- upgradesrv :set authorized IP for remote admin
- user :sets username used for wireless network access via simple IP
- vcc :supply voltage
- vcccond :supply voltage level report trigger conditions
- vccreport :set supply voltage level report
- vin clear :delete the recipes downloaded by the VIN lookup tool
- vin port :configure TCP port of repository
- vin pwrup :configure VIN lookup tool to run on power up
- vin query :manually execute the VIN lookup tool
- vin server :configure IP address of repository
- vin ssl :configure to use HTTPS or HTTP for accessing repository
- vue ack :run the VUE client/server acknowledgement
- vue period :configure VUE client periodic check-in interval
- vue port :configure TCP server port for device
- vue pwrup :configure VUE client to run on power up
- vue remip :configure URL/IP address of remote VUE server
- vue remport :configure TCP port number of remote VUE server
- vue service :configure VUE server type or disable VUE client
- wlan bridge: bridge wifi Access Point with the LAN interface(s)
- wlan dhcp: configure WLAN DHCP address range
- wlan enable: configure dual-mode device for:cellular+wifi
- wlan gw: configure a default gateway IP address for the wifi client interface
- wlan ip: configure a static IP address for the wifi client interface
- wlan mtu: MTU of WLAN interface
- wlan netmask: configure the IP address netmask for the wifi client interface
- wlan proto: configure the network protocol for the wifi client interface