iocond n b t i1 i2 IP mt

Sets the condition(s) that would trigger an IO report.

n = 1 to 8IO report number
b = 0conditional operator for the following parameters: Off (Default)
b = 1conditional operator for the following parameters: AND
b = 2conditional operator for the following parameters: OR
t = 0timeout disabled
t = 1 to 65535timeout in seconds
i1 = 0alarm on input trigger: disabled
i1 = 1 to 6alarm on input trigger: input number (1 to 8 for CTM200r2)
i2 = 0alarm on input trigger: disabled
i2 = 1 to 6alarm on input trigger: input number (1 to 8 for CTM200r2)
IP = 0report if change in IP address: disabled
IP = 1report if change in IP address: enabled
mt = 0 to 65535maximum reporting rate in seconds (minimum time between reports)


  1. send report #1 every 60 seconds :
    cmd iocond 1 1 60
  2. send report #2 every 60 seconds if input #1 is in alarm :
    cmd iocond 2 1 60 1
  3. send report #3 every 60 seconds if inputs #1 and #2 are in alarm :
    cmd iocond 3 1 60 1 2
  4. send report #4 whenever the IP address of the modem changes – this indicates that it has made a new network connection :
    cmd iocond 4 2 0 0 0 1
  5. send report #5 every 60 seconds or while input #3 is in alarm but with a maximum report rate of one every 10 seconds :
    cmd iocond 5 2 60 0 3 0 10
  6. send report #6 only while input #6 is in alarm but with a maximum report rate of one every 10 seconds :
    cmd iocond 6 1 0 6 0 0 10

See also: IO Reports

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on 13-06-17 03:37:09 PM