wifi ap macaddrdenydel MAC address

Delete (remove) a MAC address from the deny list. The deny list is used to prevent clients from connecting to the wifi access point.

MAC address Delimited by ':' or '-' or a combination of (also accepts no delimiters, see examples below)

Each time the del command is executed, a matching entry is removed to the "list". The "show" command always returns OK.


  1. Delete the MAC address "10:11:12:13:14:15":
    cmd wifi ap macaddrdenydel 10:11:12:13:14:15
  1. Delete the MAC address "AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF":
    cmd wifi ap macaddrdenydel AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF
  1. Delete the MAC address "11:22-33:44-55:66":
    cmd wifi ap macaddrdenydel 11:22-33:44-55:66
  1. Delete the MAC address "010203040506":
    cmd wifi ap macaddrdenydel 010203040506

See also: Wi-Fi Networks

Firmware revision 2.1.0

Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on 15-06-01 09:20:07 AM