confupgrade script-name url [username] [passwd]
Configures the modem for over-the-air configuration by means of a custom configuration script retrieved from a defined FTP or HTTP server.
script-name | Name of the configuration script to fetch/run
url | Can be localhost, or the address of the FTP or HTTP server, can also be an IP address, prefixed by ftp:// or http:// respectively If no prefix is specified (eg. then ftp:// is used
username | Username to access FTP server (ignored when url is prefixed by http:// or localhost://, or url is localhost)
passwd | Password to access FTP server (ignored when url is prefixed by http:// or localhost://, or url is localhost)
- The command requires 4 parameters when accessing an FTP server, 2 parameters when accessing an HTTP server, or 2 parameters when accessing scripts locally.
- When localhost is specified as the url, the script file and its corresponding .md5 file must be located in /etc/config on the modem.
- Likewise, when localhost://tmp is specified as the url, the script file and its corresponding .md5 file must be located in /tmp on the modem.
- The script file is a text file containing modem commands used to configure a modem. The script file must have UNIX line endings.
Example script file
cmd mode 2
cmd gpsrep 1 0 3
cmd gpscond 1 1 30
cmd gpsremip 1
cmd gpsremport 1 5005
- Where is the script file, is the FTP server, guest is the username of the FTP server, and guestpw is the password of the FTP server :
cmd confupgrade guest guestpw
- Where is the script file, and is the HTTP server :
cmd confupgrade
- Execute the script /tmp/ on the modem :
cmd confupgrade localhost://tmp
- Execute the script /etc/config/ on the modem :
cmd confupgrade localhost
See also: Device Management
Firmware revision 1.1.32