vcccond n o [a.a] [mt]

This command is used to set the condition(s) that would trigger a supply voltage level report. The conditional parameter is used to indicate how all following parameters will be used to determine if a report is triggered. Use the Off setting to disable the report.

n = 1 to 8 supply voltage level condition trigger
o=0 trigger disabled (default)
o=1 trigger while supply voltage is below threshold
o=2 trigger while supply voltage is above threshold
o=3 trigger on transition (whenever supply voltage threshold is passed)
Above threshold->below threshold or below threshold->above threshold.
a.a = 6.0 to 36.0 threshold voltage, in volts (default 9.0) (CTM-200)
a.a = 9.0 to 36.0 threshold voltage, in volts (default 9.0) (CTM-15X)
mt = 0 to 65535 maximum reporting rate in seconds (minimum time between reports). (Default 60)


  1. Trigger vcccond 1 every 60 seconds while supply voltage is below the threshold voltage of 9.0 volts :
    cmd vcccond 1 1
  2. Triggers vcccond 2 every 60 seconds while supply voltage is below the threshold voltage of 7.0 volts :
    cmd vcccond 2 1 7.0

See Also: VCC Reports

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on 12-12-26 02:52:52 PM