geort report r1 [r2] [r3] [r4] [r5] [r6] [r7] [r8]

Associate up to 8 reports for Geo-Route.

r1 to r8 = 0 to 999 Report number


"ALRMA" - alarm when allowed area violation counter has reached set threshold
"ALRMR" - alarm when restricted area violation counter has reached set threshold
"AOUT" - when vehicle has exited an allowed area
"AIN" - when vehicle has entered an allowed area
"ROUT" - when vehicle has exited a restricted area
"RIN" - when vehicle has entered a restricted area

rr is route number
LAT/LON is the GPS location in decimal degrees (ddd.dddd)
hhh.h is heading
sss.s is speed
hh is NMEA checksum

Example messages:



  1. To set Geo-Route to be checked every 10 seconds and reporting to reports 1, 2 and 999:
    cmd geort period 10
    cmd geort report 1 2 999

See also: Geo-Routing, General Reports

Firmware revision

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on 12-11-30 10:55:54 AM