can usbprot p

Sets which protocol to use for USB CAN (Linux processor based CAN):

p = 0No protocol/raw CAN data, sets baud rate to 250kbps, 11-bit header (Default)
p = 1ISO15765-4, sets baud rate to 500kbps, 11-bit header
p = 2J1939, sets baud rate to 250kbps, 29-bit header
p = 3ISO15765-4, sets baud rate to 250kbps, 11-bit header
p = 4J1939, sets baud rate to 500kbps, 29-bit header
p = 5-9Reserved, unused
p = gasQS (1 dev/CAN bus), sets baud rate to 1Mbps, 29-bit header

Notes: There are two CAN systems available on the CTM-200 a STM Micro based CAN processor and a Linux based CAN processor.
Where possible the Linux based CAN processor should be used. cmd can prot modes 1 and 2 are for controlling the STM Micro based CAN processor, cmd can prot 3 needs to be set for Linux based CAN to be enabled.
If using STM based CAN disable usbprot by setting cmd can usbprot 0
cmd can prot 99 is for auto detection of CAN using the Linux CAN processor, setting of can usbprot is not required if using cmd can prot 99


  1. Selects J1939 :
    cmd can usbprot 2

See also: Vehicle Support, OBD2/J1939 Parameters Table

Firmware revision

Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on 17-07-26 01:35:12 PM