netwd t n target p m target2 target3

Sets the network watchdog feature.
This feature is used to listen for incoming data traffic to make sure there is network connectivity.
If no data is received within the watchdog timer time out period (t * n), the modem will disconnect from the network and reconnect to the network. If the watchdog timer expires a second time after attempting to reconnect unsuccessfully the first time (no data received), the modem will be power cycled.

t = 00 = disable
t = 1 to 65535 time period to ping target (default = 3600 seconds)
n = 0 to 65535 number of failed attempts before disconnecting and reconnecting to the network (default = 1 failed attempt)
target ping target : IP address or URL (default =
p = 0 to 16 number of pings per test (default = 10). If p = 0, no pings will be sent and network RX/TX traffic will be used to determine network connection.
m = 0 to 65535 max time with no network connection before power cycling (default = 3600 secs). Set m = 0 to disable the max time with no network connection watchdog.
target2 additional ping target : IP address or URL (default = none) (for firmware 4490 and above ONLY)
target3 additional ping target : IP address or URL (default = none) (for firmware 4490 and above ONLY)



  1. Set the timer to 30 seconds and check 6 times :
    cmd netwd 30 6

In the above example, the command will ping the target URL/IP address at 30 seconds intervals. If no successful ping responses for 6 consecutive intervals 6 x 30 = 180 sec. the command will disconnect and reconnect to the network. If a reconnect does not resolve the issue, the command will cycle the modem power completely after an additional 6 intervals of unsuccessful ping responses.

  1. Set the timer to 30 seconds and check 3 times, and set max no connection time to 5 minutes :
    cmd netwd 30 3 5 300
  1. (for firmware 4490 and above ONLY) Change the primary ping target to, and add addition ping target:
    cmd netwd 3600 1 10 3600
  1. (for firmware below 3188 ONLY) Set the timer to 30 seconds and check 6 times. Ping google every 10 seconds:
    cmd netwd 30 6
    cmd ping 10

See also: Watchdog Timers

Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on 16-07-27 03:10:00 PM