mbusm add n ip|serial

*This is command is used when the CTM200 is being used as a MODBUS Master*

Command is used when CTM-200 is being used as a MODBUS Master device and polling MODBUS Slave device through TCP or Serial port. This command will add a MODBUS Slave to MODBUS Master polling list. It will display all MODBUS slaves to be polled when it is used without arguments.

n = 1 to 4MODBUS Slave device ID
ip = to MODBUS TCP slave type. MODBUS Slave Device IP address
serial = Serial A or Serial aAdd MODBUS Serial slave type. MODBUS Slave using ASCII protocol
serial = Serial R or Serial rAdd MODBUS Serial slave type. MODBUS Slave using RTU protocol


  1. Query the current list :
    cmd mbusm add
  1. Add a MODBUS serial slave device that uses ASCII protocol :
    cmd mbusm add 1 Serial A
  1. Add MODBUS TCP slave devices that has an IP of and .101 :
    cmd mbusm add 2
    cmd mbusm add 3

See also: MODBUS

Firmware revision

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on 12-12-21 10:43:42 AM