dout n x [d]

This command is used to set the state of each of the outputs. There are four outputs in total for CTM200r1 and six outputs for CTM200r2.

n = 1 to 4Output channel number (1 to 6 for CTM200r2)
x = 0Sets output to off (Default)
x = 1Sets output to on
d = 0Continuous duration (Default)
d = 1 to 255Duration in 10ms intervals, after which output will be inverted



  1. Set output #2 ON :
    cmd dout 2 1
  1. Set output #1 ON for 2 seconds and then set it OFF :
    cmd dout 1 1 200

See also: General Purpose IO

Firmware revision 1.3.0 (1621)

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on 13-06-17 03:39:58 PM