cardlistload filename url [username] [passwd]

This loads the approved ID list used with the swipe card interface from a remote location (FTP/HTTP server). The approved ID list file is copied to:
CTM200R1: /var/config/approved.txt
CTM200R2: /var/data/ctm/acl/approved.txt (FW above 3805) | /var/data/ctm/approved.txt (FW below 3805)

filenameName of the approved ID list to load onto the modem
urlAddress of the FTP or HTTP server, can also be an IP address, prefixed by ftp:// or http:// respectively.
If no prefix is specified (eg. then ftp:// is used.
usernameUsername to access FTP server (ignored when url is prefixed by http://)
passwdPassword to access FTP server (ignored when url is prefixed by http://)


For example:

XXX-12345        - allow card ID 12345 and ignore facility code
12345            - allow card ID 12345 and ignore facility code
039-XXXXX        - allow all cards from facility code 039
XXX-12XXX        - allow all cards with ID that begins with 12--- and ignore facility code
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx01 - allow all ibuttons with family code 01


  1. Where new-approved.txt is the approved ID list, is the FTP server, guest is the username of the FTP server and guestpw is the password of the FTP server :
    cmd cardlistload new-approved.txt guest guestpw
  1. Where new-approved.txt is the approved ID list, and is the HTTP server :
    cmd cardlistload new-approved.txt

See also: RFID Card Reader Support

Firmware revision 1.2.1 and
CTM200R2 Firmware revision 3787

Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on 15-12-17 11:20:12 AM