landhcp p ddd n

Configures the LAN dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server settings on the CTM-200 gateway, specifically the starting IP address to assign to DHCP users and the maximum number of DHCP users on the LAN.

p = 0 or 1ethernet port
ddd = 0 to 255Starting DHCP IP address to be leased. ddd is referring to the last ipv4 octet (ie. aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd). Use 0 to disable. (default 20).
n = 1 to 254Maximum number of DHCP clients. Use 0 to disable. (default 10)


  1. Assign DHCP address range from to to LAN0 DHCP clients
    cmd lanip 0
    cmd landhcp 0 20 15
  1. Assign DHCP address range from to to LAN1 DHCP clients
    cmd lanip 1
    cmd landhcp 1 15 10
  1. Disable DHCP on LAN0
    cmd landhcp 0 0 0

See also: DHCP

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on 13-06-27 09:51:42 AM