gpsaccel n a [d]

Sets the GPS report triggers using GPS based hard acceleration and deceleration events.
Reports will be triggered if the instantaneous acceleration is greater than a or the instantaneous acceleration is less than d.

n = 1 to 8GPS report number
a >= 0 Acceleration threshold in km/h/s (Default 0)
d <= 0Deceleration threshold in km/h/s (Default 0)


  1. Send GPS report #7 whenever acceleration is greater than 10 km/h/s or deceleration is less than -15 km/h/s :
    cmd gpsaccel 7 10 -15

See also: GPS Configuration, GPS Reports

Firmware revision 1.1.31

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on 12-12-31 01:47:20 PM