device cellnetwork n

Configure cell device to use a specified network type.

n = DEFAULTUse network type already set on the cell device (Default)
n = AUTOAutomatically set the network type based on network availability
n = GSMGSM is the network type
n = EVDOEVDO is the network type (Huawei UML397 only)
n = HSPAHSPA is the network type
n = LTELTE is the network type



  1. Configure a supported cell device to use HSPA only :
    cmd device cellnetwork HSPA
  1. Configure a supported cell device to automatically select its network type :
    cmd device cellnetwork AUTO

See also: Cellular

Firmware revision

Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on 17-04-24 06:42:42 AM