ccm-client ack [id] msg

Send an acknowlegement notification to the Cypress Cloud Manager (CCM) server.

idEach id identifies a unique command in CCM. You can find the id by viewing the specific command in CCM.
If you are sending this command from a CCM payload, you do NOT need to input a value for id.
msgAn arbitrary message that will be sent to CCM


  1. Send an acknowledgement notification if the command is created in CCM:
    cmd ccm-client ack "command executed successfully"
  1. Send an acknowledgement notification if you are executing the command from the CTM200 command-line:
    cmd ccm-client ack 123 "command executed successfully"

(CCM will associate this notification with a previously sent command that had the internal ID 123 - this may or may not be correct)

See also: CCM

Firmware revision 2.2.1

Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on 15-11-02 03:29:33 PM