Message Type X, PGRT
Proprietary NMEA message alert containing Geo-Route information based on CTM-200's GPS data.
ddmmyy is the day, month and year is the UTC time in hours, minutes, seconds, and decimal seconds
v is the data validity flag: A = valid current data, V = invalid current data
MSG can be
"ALRMA" - alarm when allowed area violation counter has reached set threshold
"ALRMR" - alarm when restricted area violation counter has reached set threshold
"AOUT" - when vehicle has exited an allowed area
"AIN" - when vehicle has entered an allowed area
"ROUT" - when vehicle has exited a restricted area
"RIN" - when vehicle has entered a restricted area
rr is route number
lll.llllll is the position latitude in decimal degrees ((-)dd.dddddd)
yyyy.yyyyyy is the position longitude in decimal degrees ((-)ddd.dddddd)
ddd.d is the heading in degrees (relative to true north)
ccc.c is the horizontal velocity in knots
ggggggggggggggg is the gateway ID
hh is the message checksum
$PGRT,101111,173514.00,A,AOUT,0,49.253792,-122.997681,000.5,150.0,354155040009270*6E $PGRT,101111,173514.00,A,RIN,1,49.253792,-122.997681,000.5,150.0,354155040009270*35 $PGRT,101111,173554.00,A,ALRMR,1,49.253765,-122.997597,000.5,148.0,354155040009270*21 $PGRT,101111,173634.00,A,ALRMA,0,49.253696,-122.997513,000.4,133.0,354155040009270*3A $PGRT,101111,173834.00,A,AIN,1,49.253613,-122.997253,000.6,153.0,354155040009270*2A $PGRT,101111,173834.00,A,ROUT,0,49.253613,-122.997253,000.6,153.0,354155040009270*71