Message Type 89, ULCP binary format, Modem ID/Firmware Revision/Odometer value
Header: 0x59 0xSS 0x06 0x00 0x00 0xNN 0x0000
Where NN is the message length - dependent on the Modem ID string length and on the Firmware Revision string length.
Message body:
Hex | Description |
15 bytes | Modem ID in ASCII |
<= 32 bytes | Firmware Revision in ASCII |
4 bytes | Odometer (m) in little endian byte order |
Note: ULCP binary messages should not be used for local serial report mode 1 and 2 in applications where timed message delivery is critical.
Last modified 6 years ago
Last modified on 14-04-29 10:56:30 AM