Message Type 85, ULCP binary position message with GPS coordinates

Header: 0x55 0xSS 0x06 0x00 0x00 0x18 0x0000

Message body:

4 bytesNormalized latitude (RMC latitude x 100,000)
4 bytesNormalized longitude (RMC longitude x 100,000)
2 bytesSpeed in knots
2 bytesHeading
1 byteGPS data validity: 0x”A” = valid; 0x”V” = invalid; 0x”B” = buffered valid; 0x”W” = buffered invalid.
1 byteNumber of satellites used for position fix
1 bytePosition type (from GGA message)
1 byteDigital input state (0= off, 1=on): bit 0 = input #1, bit 1 = input #2... bit 5 = input #6, bit 6 = Not used, bit 7 = ignition status.
2 bytesAltitude in meters
2 bytesDifferential correction age (only valid if differential correction being used)
4 bytesTime (based on number of seconds since 00:00:00 January 1st 1970

Note: ULCP binary messages should not be used for local serial report mode 1 and 2 in applications where timed message delivery is critical.

Last modified 6 years ago Last modified on 14-04-29 10:59:56 AM