Message Type 36, $PNETD2

Proprietary NMEA message containing the static network parameters from the RF module.

Static parameters are values that are tied to the hardware and/or wireless account and normally do not change.

Message format is:

$PNETD2,id=<id>,imei=<imei>,meid=<meid>,esn=<esn>,fsn=<fsn>,fwver=<fwver>,prl=<prl>, imsi=<imsi>,iccid=<iccid>,num=<num>,nai=<nai>*hh<CR><LF>

For this message, each field is pre-pended with a descriptor, ie imei=<imei>. All fields are comma delimited.

Parameter Description Range <Unknown> if
<id> Device IMEI/MEID (modem ID) 11-15 (hex-)digits "00000000000"
<imei> Device IMEI 15 digits "unknown"
<meid> Device MEID 14 hex digits "unknown"
<esn> Device ESN (depricated) 11 digits "unknown"
<fsn> Radio Module serial number up to 32 characters "unknown"
<fsn> Radio Module firmware version up to 32 characters "unknown"
<prl> Preferred Roaming List (PRL) version 1 - 66534 0
<imsi> Account IMSI up to 15 digits "unknown"
<iccid> Account ICCID 20 digits "unknown"
<num> Mobile phone number up to 15 digits "unknown"
<nai> Network Access ID up to 63 characters "unknown"


Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on 14-09-15 10:01:06 AM