Message Type 33, PWIFI

Proprietary NMEA message containing the current Wi-Fi client wireless network status.

Note: If used with Store and Forward the network status parameters will be invalid.

Wi-Fi network message format



ttt is the Wi-Fi technology

essid is the ESSID of the access point

ap:ap:ap:ap:ap:ap is the access point MAC address

tx is the TX power

lq is the link quality

rx is the RX signal strength

no is the noise level

nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn is the current IP address of gateway's WAN interface

hh is the message checksum


$PWIFI,IEEE802.11ng,cypress,00:24:A5:AD:61:4F,18dBm,70/70,-22dBm,n/a dBm,*53
Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on 15-03-19 07:34:47 AM