Message Type 142,$PFUELR

Proprietary NMEA message containing vehicle fuel rate information obtained from the CTM-200's OBDII/J1939/GPIO/GPS.

This NMEA message is a fuel rate message that calculates fuel rate based on the delta between total fuel value and odometer and factored to L/100Km.

This message requires active data from Vehicle ECU via CAN OBDII/J1939 or GPIO interface.


Where: is the UTC time in hours, minutes, seconds, and decimal seconds.

t is the fuel mode, ie ECU parameter,GPIO used to calculate fuel value.

rrr.rr is the fuel rate in liters/100Km. rrr.rr will be ERR when odometer delta is 0.

ooooooo is the odometer value in Km. ooooooo will be ERR when any odometer parameter is not available. p24 is the most accurate odometer. ex)priority list: p24 > p23 > GPS odometer.

ddmmyy is the day, month and year.

ggggggggggggggg is the CTM-200's user settable name. hh is the message checksum.

Example: $PFUELR,225623.00,1,8.9,27542,201011,09604890968*0F


Fuel rate is also be made available as a parameter p219.

See cmd fuel rate?, cmd fuel rate query? for configuration.

Available on CTM-200 only. Firmware version and later.

Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on 12-04-23 10:02:28 AM