Message Type 129, BTVEG
Intergraph's NMEA message containing time, GPS latitude and longitude, speed and heading information.
Message format is:
AVLID last 8 digits of modem ID converted to HEX (or up to first non-decimal character in the 8 digits)
t is the time of fix (seconds since midnight)
llll.llll is the position latitude in degrees, minutes and decimal minutes (DDMM.MMMM)
a is N(orth) or S(outh)
yyyyy.yyyy is the position longitude in degrees and decimal degrees (DDDMM.MMMM)
b is E(ast) or W(est)
ccc is the integer horizontal velocity in mph
ddd is the integer heading in degrees (relative to true north)
v is the data validity flag: A = valid current data, B = valid stored data, V = invalid current data, W = invalid stored data
hh is the message checksum