Message Type 115, $PKML

Proprietary NMEA message very similar to message 114? with the only difference being the format of the modem ID field. The $PKML is used in the KMLServer application for plotting data within the Google Earth Application.

Message format is:


Where: is the UTC time in hours, minutes, seconds, and decimal seconds

v is the data validity flag: A = valid current data, B = valid stored data, V = invalid current data, W = invalid stored data

llll.llll is the position latitude in degrees, minutes and decimal minutes

a is N(orth) or S(outh)

yyyyy.yyyy is the position longitude in degrees and decimal degrees

b is E(ast) or W(est)

ccc.c is the horizontal velocity in knots

ddd.d is the heading in degrees (relative to true north)

ddmmyy is the day, month and year

s is sign + or – for altitude above or below mean sea level

eeeee is the altitude in metres

f is the number of satellites in use (range 0 to 12)

ggggggggggg is the modem’s ID (shortened if < 11 characters)

hh is the message checksum


Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on 09-04-20 02:28:48 PM