Message Type 114, $PGPS
Proprietary NMEA message based on the NMEA $GPRMC message with the addition of altitude, number of satellites in use, and the modem’s ID.
Message format is:
Where: is the UTC time in hours, minutes, seconds, and decimal seconds
v is the data validity flag: A = valid current data, B = valid stored data, V = invalid current data, W = invalid stored data
llll.llll is the position latitude in degrees, minutes and decimal minutes(seconds) multiply whats right of the decimal x 60 to obtain seconds.
a is N(orth) or S(outh)
yyyyy.yyyy is the position longitude in degrees, minutes and decimal minutes(seconds) multiply whats right of the decimal x 60 to obtain seconds.
b is E(ast) or W(est)
ccc.c is the horizontal velocity in knots
ddd.d is the heading in degrees (relative to true north)
ddmmyy is the day, month and year
s is sign + or – for altitude above or below mean sea level
eeeee is the altitude in metres
ff is the number of satellites in use (range 0 to 12)
ggggggggggggggg is the modem ID (padded with zeros at the beginning if < 15 characters)
hh is the message checksum
The payload of message 114 changes based on the type of accessory equipment attached to the CTM gateway:
- RFID reader connected to CTM gateway, message 114 is appended to exising report with the payload of of the RFID appended to message 114 in this case the value is 039-30391
V indicates a valid ID card when compared against the on-board approved card list
F indicates an invalid ID card when compared against the on-board approved card list
- Salt spreader controller connected to CTM gateway, message 114 is appended to existing report with the payload of the spreader controller appended to message 114, (131213141516171819202122232425262728293031)