Message Type 101, Trimble Proprietary LN message
This is the standard TAIP LN response message of format:
AAAAA.BBB is the GPS time in seconds and decimal seconds
S is + or –
SCC.DDDDDDD is the Latitude in degrees and decimal degrees
SEEE.FFFFFFF is the Longitude in degrees and decimal degrees
SGGGGGG.HH is the altitude above mean sea level in feet and decimal feet
III.J is the horizontal speed in mph and decimal mph
SKKK.L is the vertical speed in mph and decimal mph
MMM.N is the heading in degrees and decimal degrees
OO is the number of SVs (satellites) used
PP is the SV ID for each satellite used
QQ is the IODE for each satellite used, but it should be always zero because it is not supported
RRRRRRRRRR is not used
X is the fix mode: 0 = 2D, 1 = 3D, 9 = no fix available
T is the data age: 2 = <10sec, 1 = >10sec, 0 = not available